Friday 28 December 2007

Now Christmas is Over!

Wow, the day went so fast! Mind you it was a long one! Ryan was up at 1.30am and couldn't get back to sleep. He ended up in our bed and we managed to keep him there until 6 o'clock - not that we got much sleep.
The boys were very spoilt by Santa - a sports net, Playstation and assorted games including Buzz and an Eyetoy. We bought them new cricket bats which have not left their sides, Bowen takes his to bed and covers it with a rug and Ryan would sleep with his if we let him.
I was very lucky as well! I got some lovely jewellery from my brother and his family and Shayne got me some clothes, chocolates, scrapping voucher and Singstar for the closet singer in me!

There were 12 of us at our house for lunch which was yummy. The weather was perfect! We had tea at Shayne's nephew's with the entire Hosking clan. Lots of noise and laughs.

1 comment:

Robyn said...

Love the collage of how did you do that???